Spider Vein Treatment

Spider veins often cause concern because of their unsightly appearance if they become extensive. They can occur anywhere on the body but are most frequently seen on the legs. Telangiectasia is the medical term for spider veins. Incompetent feeder veins or reticular veins deeper under the skin causing “backwash” of blood back into the skin are the usual cause.

Gold standard treatment is sclerotherapy. Vascular laser is rarely indicated for the treatment of telangiectasia on the legs.

However for the treatment of varicose veins Endovascular laser is often the first step in treatment.

Sclerotherapy usually requires a number of sessions for optimal results.

 After. At 3 months. Sclerotherapy 2 treatments.
   After. 6 Months Sclerotherapy 4 sessions.
 After - 3 months. Sclerotherapy 2 treatments

Circulation Boosting!


There Is More To Veins Than Meets The Eye...