Attendance & Cancellation Policy

When you make an appointment at The Leg Vein Doctor that time is reserved exclusively for you.

If you need to cancel your appointment:

  • Please call us on (07) 3720 9912 or email us.

  • We require a minimum of 48 hours notice.

Our front desk staff will aim to place a courtesy reminder call or SMS to you prior to your appointment. Please bear in mind that even if you do not receive your reminder call, your appointment remains your responsibility to attend or reschedule at least 48 hours in advance.

Please advise us as soon as possible if you cannot attend an appointment. This allows us to offer your appointment to someone else who may need urgent treatment. Since we turn away other patients to hold your appointment, any missed appointments or cancellations with less than 48 hours notice may result in a cancellation charge.

Please understand that we consider this a last resort, with the real motivating factor being our concern for the quality of service we are able to provide to you and to our other valued patients. The Practice Manager reserves the right to use discretion in cancellation issues. 


Procedural Booking Deposit Policy 

The Leg Vein Doctor makes procedural appointments with the expectation that you will attend on the agreed date and time to undergo treatment.

When booking your first procedural appointment we require a deposit of $250 of which is confirmation of your commitment to attend the treatment.

  • Payment of the deposit must be received at the time of booking the procedure or within 10 working days prior to the scheduled appointment date. 

  • If payment is not received within this time frame, we reserve the right to reschedule your appointment and reallocate the time to another patient in order to maintain the smooth running of the practice.

  • Payment can be made in clinic, via credit card over the phone or by online bank transfer. 

  • Please contact the clinic if you require any assistance in paying your deposit.

  • Appointments cancelled within the time frames specified on the treatment plan are entitled to a deposit refund or can be rescheduled to a future date.

Compliments & Complaints Policy

At The Leg Vein Doctor our number one priority is to take care of your health. This is a commitment Doctor Kemp and the team take very seriously. We always like to hear from patients who are happy with their treatment but likewise we are also keen to hear if there is some way in which our service can be improved.

If you have any concerns or suggestions:

  • You can talk to us in person at the clinic or on the phone

  • You can email the Reception Staff or the Practice Manager

Official complaints can be sent to us by post, email or via the contact form on the website. All complaints will be handled seriously, in accordance with our clinic policy and you will be responded to within a timely manner. If you feel your complaint has not been adequately handled or resolved by the practice, please contact:

The Office of The Health Ombudsman

PO Box 13281
Phone: 133 OHO (133 646)

Members of the public may make a notification to Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) (AHPRA) about the conduct, health or performance of a practitioner.

Electronic Communication

It is the policy of our practice to communicate via electronic means in accordance with the privacy laws however it is not possible to guarantee that electronic communications will be private. We use an SMS system to confirm patient appointments. Please advise reception if you do not wish to be contacted via electronic means.

The National Privacy Commissioner is able to receive complaints concerning privacy issues. Complaints will have a response within 28 days.

National Privacy Commissioner:
GPO Box 5218
Sydney, NSW 2001
Privacy Hotline: 1300 363 992